Transfer characteristics between EMG activity and muscle tension under isometric conditions in man.
: The relationship between motor unit activity and a voluntarily produced, sinusoidally modulated isometric tension was evaluated as a function of the modulation frequency. These date are reported in terms of the gain and phase difference of the motor activity (input) and tension (output) relationship, the gain being the logarithmic ratio of the amplitudes of the output and input sinusoids. It was found that an increase in the modulation amplitude of the motor unit activity was required to produce the same amount of modulation of the output tension as the modulation frequency was increased. For example, the modulation amplitude of the activity is about twice as much at 2 Hz as at 0.25 Hz and about 4 times as much at 5 Hz. It was also found that the maximum tension which could be produced voluntarily during brief jerks at 5 Hz was the same as the maximum sustained tension which could be attained. This latter finding emphasizes the importance of recruitment and especially synchronization of motor unit activity to the gradation of output tension.