Poplar woody biomass yields: A look to the future

Abstract Yield increases of 2 to 3 times have been achieved for some agricultural crops over 40 years because of improved genetic material and culture. These increases suggest that similar yield increases might be achieved in short-rotation intensive culture (SRIC) energy plantations. Current poplar SRIC record small-plot yields are 4 to 7 times greater than average field yields. SRIC yields necessary for marginal profitability have not yet been attained in the field, but field yields are expected to increase based on the gains recently achieved in small experimental plots. The rate and potential size of future yield increases are uncertain, however. Whether the large yield gains achieved recently in agricultural crops can be duplicated in SRIC within a reasonable time will depend on a number of factors, including future investment in cultural and breeding research, and the realization of the biotechnology potential.