Gibson Peak Pluton: A Discordant Composite Intrusion in the Southeastern Trinity Alps, Northern California

Gibson Peak pluton is the most discordant of several dominantly granitic intrusions in the Trinity Alps of northern California. It formed during Nevadan (Late Jurassic) deformation by emplacement of at least five discrete rock units that define a successively more silicic series, ranging from hypersthene gabbro to trondhjemitic tonalite. Contact features suggest that several units were incompletely crystalline when intruded by succeeding phases. Deformation of wall rocks, mainly partly serpentinized peridotite, indicates forceful intrusion, despite remarkable discordance of the pluton to regional structures. The discordance probably was controlled by regional extension fracturing during late stages of Nevadan deformation. Chemical compositions, computed from average modes of the intrusive units, are characterized by high Fe2O3-FeO and Na2O-K2O ratios. Plots of normative feldspar define a trend of trondhjemitic differentiation that diverges markedly from typical calc-alkaline trends. Contact metamorphism to mineral assemblages of pyroxene hornfels facies has been largely obscured by later low-grade hydration reactions, resulting in a net increase in serpentinization of most country-rock peridotite within the contact aureole.