A survey of upwind differencing techniques

Algor i thm improvement is no less important today than when Dean Chapman demonstrated to th is Conference in 1980 the equal ro les played by hardware and software in developing the u t i l i t y of CFD [1 ] . Where do good algor i thms come from? The sources of i n sp i r a t i on may l i e in mathematics, or in computer science, or in physics. Respect ively these d i sc ip l i nes might d i rec t our thoughts to spectral methods, mu l t i g r id or upwinding. Of course, whatever the primary i nsp i r a t i on we cannot neglect the others, but in CFD there is one ove r r i d ing requirement. The "compu ta t i ona l f l u i d " that we create must have "dynamics" as close as possible to those of the real f l u i d .

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