Modern Lens Design

Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Automatic Lens Design: Managing the Lens Design Program Chapter 3: Improving a Design Chapter 4: Evaluation: How Good Is This Design? Chapter 5: Lens Design Data Chapter 6: Telescope Objectives Chapter 7: Eyepieces and Magnifiers Chapter 8: Cooke Triplet Anastigmats Chapter 9: Split Triplets Chapter 10: The Tessar, Hellar, and Other Compounded Triplets Chapter 11: Double-Meniscus Anastigmats Chapter 12: The Biotar or Double-Gauss Lens Chapter 13: Telephoto Lenses Chapter 14: Reversed Telephoto (Retrofocus and Fish-Eye) Lenses Chapter 15: Wide-Angle Lenses With Negative Outer Elements Chapter 16: The Petzval Lens: Head-up Display Lenses Chapter 17: Microscope Objectives Chapter 18: Mirror and Catadioptric Systems Chapter 19: Infrared and Ultraviolet Systems Chapter 20: Zoom Lenses Chapter 21: Projection TV Lenses and Macro Lenses Chapter 22: Scanner/f-o, Laser Disk and Collimator Lenses Chapter 23: Tolerance Budgeting Chapter 24: Formulary GLOSSARY REFERENCES INDEX