Bibliometric analysis of Annals of Library and Information Studies (2002-2006)
Bibliometrics is an emerging thrust area of research and has now become a well established part of information research and a quantitative approach to the description of documents. Bibliometrics has grown out of the realization that literature is growing and changing out of a rate with which no librarian or information worker equipped with traditional bibliographic skills and methods could keep abreast. The present study shows that journals are most cited form of communication amongst the library and information scientists and the source journal is the most cited publication.
The bibliometric analysis of the journal “Annals of Library and Information Studies (2002-2006)” shows a trend of growth in contributions and average number of contributions is 21.4 per volume. Majority of the library and information scientists prefer to do collaborative research and contribute their papers jointly. Most of the contributions are on Bibliometrics (36.45%). IT & Digital technologies in Libraries have also got sufficient papers. The institutional and geographical distribution of contributions is calculated. Most of the contributions are with citations. Majority of the library and information scientists have cited journals in large number (50.15%) while books comes on second with 273 (19.96%) citations. ‘Annals of Library & Information Studies’ occupies the 1st rank & ‘Scientometrics’ occupies the 2nd rank in the ranked list of cited journals.