Packet loss effects on MPEG video sent over the public Internet

1. BSTWCT This paper presents results from a study of stieaming h~EG compressed video over the pubHc Inteme& using the RTP and UDP tianspoti protocok. TmTofie minute video etips were h~EG coded at rates of 384 Kbps and 1 l~ps. The resultant coded streams were transmitted at their respective data ra$esbe~een four sites in the United States and Europa hIeasurements w’ere taken be~een sites during aHhours of the day for seveml weeks at a time to generate a clear pictire of the time varying nature of Internet errors. The paper concentrates on ne~ork loss/error characteristics that specifica~y affect the quali~ of the received ~~EG compressed stieams. Due to the nature of h~EG data streams, losses in certain pati of the data stieam are more disturbing when viewed than losses in other parts of the data stieam. For instance, since N~EG video is inter-fmme coded, artifacts due to netiork loss/emors, can persist for many frames. Thus, a meaningful measure of received video qua~ty requires a more thorough analysis of netiork errors than average error rates. Our results include patterns of packet lossover tim~ conditional packet 10SS