Newton's Method for Problems with Equality Constraints
Consider an operator $Q:X_1 \to X_2 $ where $X_1 $ and $X_2 $ are normed linear spaces. Let $\delta _1 , \cdots ,\delta _m $ be functionals on $X_1 $ and let $H_2 $ be a finite-dimensional affine subspace of $X_2 $. In this paper we consider the problem \[ Q(x) \in H_2 \quad {\text{subject to}}\quad \delta _i (x) = \beta _i, \quad i = 1, \cdots ,m.\]A generalized form of Newton’s method which approximates a solution of this problem by a sequence of the form \[ x_{n + 1} = x_n - \Gamma _n p_n (x_n ),\qquad n = 0,1, \cdots , \] is presented. It is shown that many important constrained problems including the ordinary differential equation boundary value problem and the Euler–Poisson equation from the calculus of variations fall very naturally within this theory.