Worked examples in machine drawing

This chapter presents some examples of examination standard questions, for which a student draughtsman is expected to produce a reasonably complete solution for each of the questions in about two to three hours. Before commencing, the student draughtsman should try and estimate the areas covered by the views so that they can be presented with reasonably equal spaces horizontally and vertically on the drawing sheet. If required, a border of about 15 mm width can be included and a title block and parts list can be added. In an industrial situation, before commencing a drawing, the draughtsman will make a mental picture of how to orient the component, or arrangement, so that the maximum amount of information can be indicated with the minimum number of views necessary to produce a clear unambiguous solution. However, this is easier said than done in the case of the student, and especially where the drawing is being made on CAD (computer aided design) equipment since the size of the screen often means that part of the drawing is temporarily out of sight.