Receptor-mediated pharmacodynamics of prednisolone in the rat

A phartnacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model describing receptor-mediated effects of prednisolone is presented. The basis of the model is the generally accepted mechanism of action of steroid hormones in which corticosteroids bind to cytosolic receptors forming steroid-receptor complexes, which are activated and translocated into the nucleus. There the complexes associate with specific DNA sequences and modulate the rate of transcription of DNA into specific RNAs that code for the synthesis of proteins that elicit biological responses. Prednisolone, 5 or 50 mg/kg, was administered intravenously to adrenalectomized rats. Total plasma, free plasma, CBG-free plasma, and liver prednisolone concentrations were measured simultaneously with free hepatic cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor concentrations and tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) activity of the liver as a function of time. The association/dissociation kinetics of prednisolone binding to the glucocorticoid receptor were measured separately in vitroat 37°C. Total plasma, free plasma, and CBG-free plasma prednisolone concentrations could be used equally well in the model to account for the time course of receptor concentrations and TAT activity. However, use of liver steroid concentrations resulted in an overestimation of receptor depletion. Steroid concentrations in plasma increased 20 to 30-fold with a tenfold increase in dose, but receptor occupancy and TAT activity over time increased about threefold. While prednisolone pharmacokinetics were dose-dependent, parameters describing receptor kinetics and TAT activity were constant at each prednisolone dose. The major determinants of receptor-mediated glucocorticoid activity are confirmed to be the availability of the receptor, drug-receptor dissociation rate, and corticosteroid persistence in the biophase.

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