The Design of a Dynamic Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm on Distributed Networks

In order to maintain load balancing in a distributed network, each node should obtain workload information from all the nodes in the network. To accomplish this, this processing requires O(v2) communication complexity, where v is the number of nodes. First, we present a new synchronous dynamic distributed load balancing algorithm on a (v,k+1,1)-configured network applying a symmetric balanced incomplete block design, where v=k2+k+1. Our algorithm designs a special adjacency matrix and then transforms it to (v,k+1,1)-configured network for an efficient communication. It requires only $O(v \sqrt v)$ communication complexity and each node receives workload information from all the nodes without redundancy since each link has the same amount of traffic for transferring workload information. Later, this algorithm is reconstructed on distributed networks, where v is an arbitrary number of nodes and is analyzed in terms of efficiency of load balancing.