After Popper, Kuhn and Feyerabend - Recent Issues in Theories of Scientific Method

Acknowledgements. Introduction R. Nola, H. Sankey. A Selective Survey of Theories of Scientific Method R. Nola, H. Sankey. How We Know About Electrons J. Norton. How We Know About Electrons. The Rationality of the Chemical Revolution A. Pyle. Kuhn, Bayes and 'Theory Choice': How Revolutionary is Kuhn's Account of Theoretical Change? J. Worrall. With Friends Like These..., or What is Inductivism and Why is it Off the Agenda? J. Fox. Is Epistemology Adequate to the Task of Rational Theory Evaluation? L. Laudan. Naturalism Logicized K. Kelly. Methodological Pluralism, Normative Naturalism and the Realist Aim of Science H. Sankey. The Hard Problems in the Philosophy of Science. Notes on Contributors. Index.