D3.1_semantic_parsing_for reviewers
[1] Daniel Jurafsky,et al. Automatic Labeling of Semantic Roles , 2002, CL.
[2] Namhee Kwon,et al. Maximum Entropy Models for FrameNet Classification , 2003, EMNLP.
[3] Koby Crammer,et al. Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers , 2005, ACL.
[4] Josef Ruppenhofer,et al. FrameNet II: Extended theory and practice , 2006 .
[5] Alessandro Moschitti,et al. Shallow Semantic Parsing for Spoken Language Understanding , 2009, NAACL.
[6] Bernd Bohnet,et al. Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction , 2010, COLING.
[7] Noah A. Smith,et al. Probabilistic Frame-Semantic Parsing , 2010, NAACL.
[8] Frédéric Béchet,et al. MACAON An NLP Tool Suite for Processing Word Lattices , 2011, ACL.
[9] Dilek Z. Hakkani-Tür,et al. Human/Human Conversation Understanding , 2011 .
[10] Frédéric Béchet,et al. Syntactic annotation of spontaneous speech: application to call-center conversation data , 2012, LREC.
[11] Frédéric Béchet,et al. DECODA: a call-centre human-human spoken conversation corpus , 2012, LREC.
[12] Bhiksha Raj,et al. Discriminatively trained dependency language modeling for conversational speech recognition , 2013, INTERSPEECH.
[13] Arindam Ghosh,et al. Language style and domain adaptation for cross-language SLU porting , 2013, 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding.
[14] Alexander I. Rudnicky,et al. Unsupervised induction and filling of semantic slots for spoken dialogue systems using frame-semantic parsing , 2013, 2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding.
[15] Noah A. Smith,et al. Frame-Semantic Parsing , 2014, CL.
[16] Frédéric Béchet,et al. Adapting dependency parsing to spontaneous speech for open domain spoken language understanding , 2014, INTERSPEECH.