Since the first results published in 1973 by Liu and Layland on the Rate Monotonic (RM) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithms, a lot of progress has been made in the schedulability analysis of periodic task sets. Priority based real time scheduling algorithms such as RM and EDF have been analyzed extensively in this literature to achieve optimized results in real rime operations. In the paper, RM and EDF scheduling techniques have been used, analyzed and compared based on different parameters in real time environment and these traditional priority scheduling algorithms are analyzed by addressing the following metrics: Best case response time, Worst case response time, response time jitter and latency. Past work has been extended in this direction by characterizing the behavior of the scheduling algorithms in detail using theoretical analysis as well as experimental evaluation. The results of this analysis can be used to control design choices for real time systems. Various issues have been presented on which there is still a need to work.
Jerzy Martyna,et al.
Scheduling algorithm for delay and jitter reduction of periodic tasks in real-time systems
Omar U. Pereira Zapata,et al.
EDF and RM Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithms : Survey and Performance Evaluation
Embedded Systems: Architecture, Programming and Design
Biju K. Raveendran,et al.
Variants of Priority Scheduling Algorithms for Reducing Context-Switches in Real-Time Systems
Yi Hui Chen.
Real-time scheduling algorithms in wireless sensor networks
M. V. Panduranga Rao,et al.
A Research in Real Time Scheduling Policy for Embedded System Domain
CLEI Electron. J..
Alan Burns,et al.
Schedulability Analysis for Real-Time Systems with EDF Scheduling
IEEE Transactions on Computers.