The Excavations at Korucutepe, Turkey, 1968-1970: Preliminary Report. Part VI: The Middle and Late Bronze Age Pottery

Gray Wheelmarked Ware. This ware is high fired with wheelmarks on the inside and is usually smoothed, burnished, or scraped. It has fine grit temper and fine paste and breaks into straight edges. The walls are generally medium thin in cross section. A brown variant, and a coarser gray variant with medium-sized grits and medium firing, occur. Gray wheelmarked ware appears in small inturned bowls with an incised line under the rim on the outside (fig. 27:44) necked jars (215), and in a number of other shapes. Surface colors: Munsell Soil Color Chart2 2.5 YR 3/0 and 7.5 YR 3/0 very dark gray; 10 YR 5/2 grayish brown; 5 YR 6/4 and 6/3 light reddish brown.