Chaos and fractals - new frontiers of science

Preface Authors Foreword Introduction: Causality Principle, Deterministic Laws and Chaos The Backbone of Fractals: Feedback and the Iterator Classical Fractals and Self-Similarity Limits and Self- Similarity Length, Area and Dimension: Measuring Complexity and Scaling Properties Encoding Images by Simple Transformations The Chaos Game: How Randomness Creates Deterministic Shapes Recursive Structures: Growing of Fractals and Plants Pascal's Triangle: Cellular Automata and Attractors Irregular Shapes: Randomness in Fractal Constructions Deterministic Chaos: Sensitivity, Mixing, and Periodic Points Order and Chaos: Period-Doubling and its Chaotic Mirror Strange Attractors: The Locus of Chaos Julia Sets: Fractal Basin Boundaries The Mandelbrot Set: Ordering the Julia Sets A: A Discussion of Fractal Image Compression B: Multifractal Measures Bibliography Index.