지하광장의 공공성 향상을 위한 설계요소 도출 및 IPA 분석
These days, the underground plaza plays a very critical role as a public space. The criteria of publicity of underground plazas, investigated in existing studies, are not different from the criteria of publicness of plazas on ground level. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to draw the planning criteria of publicness of underground plazas and their design criteria. To do this, literature review and questionnaire survey with experts were conducted. For survey with users of underground plazas, this study selected study site and analyzed the data through IPA. The findings were as follow : First, the component the publicness in underground plazas are different from those of ground plazas. Secondly, each underground plaza is required to have different environment, condition, and purpose compared to those of ground plazas. Finally, IPA results reveals that it is necessary to categorize planning and design issues by importance and satisfaction and apply its results to guidelines when a underground plaza is planned or maintained.