The classification of curves of genus 2 over an algebraically closed field was studied by Clebsch and Bolza using invariants of binary sextic forms, and completed by Igusa with the computation of the corresponding three-dimensional moduli variety M 2 . The locus of curves with group of automorphisms isomorphic to one of the dihedral groups D 8 or D 12 is a one-dimensional subvariety. In this paper we classify these curves over an arbitrary perfect field k of characteristic chark ≠ 2 in the Ds case and char k ≠ 2,3 in the D 12 case. We first parameterize the k-isomorphism classes of curves defined over k by the k-rational points of a quasi-affine one-dimensional subvariety of M 2 ; then, for every curve C/k representing a point in that variety we compute all of its k-twists, which is equivalent to the computation of the cohomology set H 1 (G k, Aut(C)). The classification is always performed by explicitly describing the objects involved: the curves are given by hyperelliptic models and their groups of automorphisms represented as subgroups of GL 2 (k). In particular, we give two generic hyperelliptic equations, depending on several parameters of k, that by specialization produce all curves in every k-isomorphism class.
Abelian Varieties over Q and Modular Forms
Bjorn Poonen,et al.
Computational Aspects of Curves of Genus at Least 2
Oskar Bolza,et al.
On Binary Sextics with Linear Transformations into Themselves
Rational and Elliptic Parametrizations ofQ-Curves
Jordi Quer,et al.
Q‐Curves and Abelian Varieties of GL2‐Type
E. V. Flynn,et al.
Prolegomena to a Middlebrow Arithmetic of Curves of Genus 2: Curves of genus 2
J. Igusa,et al.
Arithmetic Variety of Moduli for Genus Two
A. Rio,et al.
On curves of genus 2 with Jacobian of GL2-type
J. E. Cremona.
PROLEGOMENA TO A MIDDLEBROW ARITHMETIC OF CURVES OF GENUS 2 (LMS Lecture Note Series 230) By J. W. S. CASSELS and E. V. FLYNN: 218 pp., £24.95 (LMS Members' price £18.70), ISBN 0 521 48370 0 (Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Jean-François Mestre,et al.
Construction de courbes de genre 2 à partir de leurs modules