[Physical disability and hospitalization in São Paulo, Brazil].

This study aimed to verify the association between physical disability and hospitalization in São Paulo, Brazil, based on a health survey conducted in 2008. The study used a probabilistic stratified sampling process (sex/age) with two-stage clustering (census tracts and households). Data were collected through structured interviews including thematic 21 sections, using mostly multiple-choice questions. The analysis used crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) with Poisson regression. The survey module of Stata 9.2 was used, with significance set at 5%. A total of 2,690 persons were interviewed, with a mean age of 38.75 years (95%CI: 37.54-39.96). Hospitalization was associated with disability (hearing, PR = 1.59; physical, PR = 3.77; multiple PR = 3.26). People with disabilities (hearing, physical - paralysis/amputation, and multiple) reported more hospitalizations than those without disabilities.