Satellite remote sensing for resources development

1. General Aspects of the Use of Satellite Remote Sensing for Resources Exploration in Developing Countries.- 2. Present Status of Microwave Remote Sensing from Space with Respect to Natural Resources Monitoring.- 3. SPOT: The First Operational Remote Sensing Satellite.- 4. Spacelab Metric Camera Experiments.- 5. Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) and Related Technologies.- 6. Selected Features of the SEASAT Satellite.- 7. First Results of the European Spacelab Photogrammetric Camera Mission.- 8. Thematic Mapping of Natural Resources with the Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Scanner (MOMS).- 9. Availability of Remotely Sensed Data and Information from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Satellite Data Services Division.- 10. A Future Outlook.- 11. Interpretation and Application of Spaceborne Imaging Radar Data to Geologic Problems.- List of Participants.