An Error Model for Uncertainty Quantification in High-Time-Resolution Precipitation Products

AbstractThis study proposes a new framework, Precipitation Uncertainties for Satellite Hydrology (PUSH), to provide time-varying, global estimates of errors for high-time-resolution, multisatellite precipitation products using a technique calibrated with high-quality validation data. Errors are estimated for the widely used Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42 product at daily/0.25° resolution, using the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Unified gauge dataset as the benchmark. PUSH estimates the probability distribution of reference precipitation given the satellite observation, from which the error can be computed as the difference (or ratio) between the satellite product and the estimated reference. The framework proposes different modeling approaches for each combination of rain and no-rain cases: correct no-precipitation detection (both satellite and gauges measure no precipitation), missed precipitation (satellite records a zero, but the gaug...

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