mask_explorer_2 - Nástroj v Matlabu pro exploraci datasetů přiskupinové fMRI analýze
Software mask_explorer_2 is update of the release
mask_explorer_1. New features of the update are: 1. Menu with
functions in top of GUI window. 2. Importing and exporting
coordinates (*.mat files). 3. Listbox with coordinates reacts
on mouse right clicks and keyboard to interactively change
selected coordinate as actual. 4. Batch mode for creating
masks. 5. Report of suitable masks can be exported to xls or
txt. 6. Compatibility with SPM12b, SPM12, Matlab R2013b and
Matlab R2014b. This software is written to explore fMRI
datasets and to find inconsistences in fMRI data. It is
suitable especially for group analyses. Inconsistent data (e.g.
in form of missing data from single subject or revealing failed
steps in preprocessing of fMRI data of some subjects) can lead
to irrelevant conclusions. Software was written in Matlab
(originally in version (R2012a)) and uses parts of
toolbox SPM (originally SPM8 (version 4290)) Compatibility to
newer versions of Matlab (2013b, 2014b) and SPM (12b and 12)
was tested. User can on left side of GUI load data (Load masks
or cons) from several subjects (NIFTI, ANALYZE). Loaded inputs
are used to create parametric map. Its values show number of
datasets with spatially valid information. This map (GSBC) and
group mask (GCMS) can mask_explorer_2 save. Several
pseudocoloring modes, thresholding options and transparency
options are available. ‘Load background’ loads background image
(NIFTI). ‘Load any overlay’ loads NIFTI file or statistical
parametric map (products of SPM8). ‚Add coordinate‘ ‚Clear
coordinate‘ and ‚Clear all coordinates‘ set list of coordinates
where it is necessary to check the validity of loaded data.
Coordinates are in [mm] in MNI space. Names of unsuitable files
are displayed in list ‘Unsuitable masks’. Coordinates ‘Point
coordinate [voxel]’ are coordinates of voxel of background
image, targeted by crosshair. Mask_explorer_2 can export list
of unsuitable masks to *.xls or *.txt files.