In this paper, we present several baby-step giant-step algorithms for the low hamming weight discrete logarithm problem. In this version of the discrete log problem, we are required to find a discrete logarithm in a finite group of order approximately 2m, given that the unknown logarithm has a specified number of l's, say t, in its binary representation. Heiman and Odlyzko presented the first algorithms for this problem. Unpublished improvements by Coppersmith include a deterministic algorithm with complexity O (m (t/2m/2)), and a Las Vegas algorithm, with complexity O (√t (m/2 t/2)).We perform an average-case analysis of Coppersmith's deterministic algorithm. The average-case complexity achieves only a constant factor speed-up over the worst-case. Therefore, we present a generalized version of Coppersmith's algorithm, utilizing a combinatorial set system that we call a splitting system. Using probabilistic methods, we prove a new existence result for these systems that yields a (nonuniform) deterministic algorithm with complexity O(t3/2 (log m) (t/2m/2)))). We also present some explicit constructions for splitting systems that make use of perfect hash families.
Noga Alon,et al.
Explicit construction of exponential sized families of k-independent sets
Discret. Math..
Kurt Mehlhorn,et al.
Data Structures and Algorithms 1: Sorting and Searching
EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science.
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn,et al.
Data Structures and Algorithms 1
Gadiel Seroussi,et al.
On the minimum distance of some quadratic residue codes
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
Donald E. Knuth,et al.
Sorting and Searching
Donald L. Kreher,et al.
Combinatorial algorithms: generation, enumeration, and search
George Havas,et al.
Perfect Hashing
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Alfred Menezes,et al.
Handbook of Applied Cryptography
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On Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement with Short Exponents
O. Antoine,et al.
Theory of Error-correcting Codes