On the List-Decodability of Random Linear Codes

The list-decodability of random linear codes is shown to be as good as that of general random codes. Specifically, for every fixed finite field F<sub>q</sub>, <i>p</i> ∈ (0,1 - 1/<i>q</i>) and ε >; 0, it is proved that with high probability a random linear code <i>C</i> in F<sub>q</sub><sup>n</sup> of rate (1-<i>H</i><sub>q</sub>(<i>p</i>)-ε) can be list decoded from a fraction <i>p</i> of errors with lists of size at most <i>O</i>(1/ε). This also answers a basic open question concerning the existence of highly list-decodable linear codes, showing that a list-size of O(1/ε) suffices to have rate within ε of the information-theoretically optimal rate of 1 - H<sub>q</sub>(p). The best previously known list-size bound was q<sup>O(1/ε)</sup> (except in the q = 2 case where a list-size bound of O(1/ε) was known). The main technical ingredient in the proof is a strong upper bound on the probability that I random vectors chosen from a Hamming ball centered at the origin have too many (more than Ω(ℓ)) vectors from their linear span also belong to the ball.

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