Decision support system for waste management

The paper presents a prototype of the integrated decision support system DECWASTE developed to support decision making in waste management in the Czech Republic. It uses linked open data of eGovernment systems of the Czech Republic. It consists of six sub-modules: PARSER, which downloads the appropriate data from the eGovernment systems to its databases; PREVENT, which calculates the prevention impact on waste generation; FORECAST, which forecasts waste generation for a given time period using developed mathematical forecast models based on the DPSIR (Driving forces-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses) framework including past time series of waste stream generation; TREATMENT, which forecasts waste treatment for the given time period using FORECAST waste generation outputs and respects the legislation requests; INVEST, which calculates required investment in the treatment facilities forecast by TREATMENT and the OUTPUT sub-module, which visualizes and presents different scenarios for decisionmakers depending on input data of the PREVENT, FORECAST and TREATMENT sub-modules. The paper briefly describes information and communication technologies used in applied eGovernment systems and the integration of sub-modules PARSER, PREVENT, FORECAST, TREATMENT, INVEST and OUTPUT into the complex decision support information system DECWASTE in details.