가로형 재래시장 아케이드의 건축계획 개선방안에 관한 연구

The purpose of this study is to figure out architectural characteristics of the Arcade in Traditional Sreet-Market located in residential area. Length of the Arcade are 200∼250m on average, which is less than 400m of proper pedestrian distance, width is 6∼8m respectively. The Arcade section type can be divided into upper-inside type and upper-outside type. Cases using upper-inside type tend to increase since it allows large inside space to be used. Despite the advantage that it gives more inside space, it reveals many problems in terms of upstairs residential environment - ventilation, noise and stink, etc. The height of upper-inside type is usually 2-story high with a column of 6m high. Setting up side wall has been preferred for rain proof and regulation of ventilation, and the use of opening and closing wall rather than fixed one has increased. Roof establishment types are classified into CWW type, which is covered whole width of the market street, and CES type, which is covered only each side of the market street. Markets which are researched in this study are all categorized as CWW type. The number of applying automatic opening and closing roof system to the Arcade has been increased for inside ventilation control and fire suppression. Most arcades take the sliding method for opening and closing roof.