Curriculum Development for the Low Attainer

Recent government inspired initiatives for 'ow attainers' in the 14-16 age range are claimed to represent a significant contribution to this area of curriculum planning and development, for all schools. This paper seeks to analyse these claims in the context of curriculum development within special education as a whole. In doing so it seeks to highlight major concerns with regard to the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications of what is regarded as the one-dimensional approach which has been widely adopted. The limitations of such an approach are considered in relation to the role of education for this age range and an outline of an alternative perspective is offered. The implications of this alternative approach are discussed in relation to schools, teachers and pupils. The seemingly never ending list of acronyms associated with curriculum initiatives in the 14-16 age range might lead the uninitiated to believe that this was an area rich with new ideas and exciting developments. In relation to the 'low attainer', however, serious doubts are beginning to appear as to the extent of this apparent plenty, and whether what actually is on offer represents anything more than old wine in new bottles.