Peak and Post-Peak Power Aerodynamics from Phase VI NASA Ames Wind Turbine Data

Constant speed/pitch rotor operation lacks adequate theory for predicting peak and post-peak power. The objective of this study was to identify and quantify how measured blade element performance characteristics from the Phase VI NASA Ames 24 m ×36 m (80 ft × 120 ft) wind tunnel test of a two-bladed, tapered, twisted rotor relate to the prediction of peak and post-peak rotor power. The performance prediction code, NREL's Lifting Surface Prescribed Wake code (LSWT), was used to study the flow physics along the blade. Airfoil lift and drag coefficients along the blade were derived using the predicted angle of attack distribution from LSWT and Phase VI measured normal and tangential force coefficients. Through successive iterations, the local lift and drag coefficients were modified until agreement was achieved between the predicted and Phase VI measured normal and tangential force coefficients along the blade. This agreement corresponded to an LSWT angle of attack distribution and modified airfoil data table that reflected the measured three-dimensional aerodynamics. This effort identified five aerodynamic events important to the prediction of peak and post-peak power. The most intriguing event was a rapid increase in drag that corresponds with the occurrence of peak power. This is not currently modeled in engineering performance prediction methods.