Spatial modeling using high resolution image for future shoreline prediction along Junput Coast, West Bengal, India

National policies and legal decisions are very much dependent on the position of the shoreline. Shoreline change rates are frequently employed to summarize historical shoreline movements. This also helps to predict the future position of the shoreline based on the perceived historical trends. In this regard, the future shoreline positions at both the long-term, that is 2050, and short-term, that is 2015, time interval was predicted using the End Point Rate (EPR) model along the Junput Coast of West Bengal, India. The whole project work was divided into five parts. The first part showed the detection of shoreline from satellite data like IRS LISS IV and Landsat 7 ETM+ and from the Survey of India Toposheet. The second part gave the glimpse of the dynamic segmentation of the shoreline to get the dynamically segmented nodal points along the shoreline. Shoreline prediction for the years 2015 and 2050 using End Point Rate (EPR) model was done in the third part. In the fourth part, Coastal Terrain Model (CTM) was prepared, and the digital shoreline estimated. The model result was validated and accuracy assessed with respect to the GPS data collected from the field at the fifth stage. Finally at the end of the present work, limitations of the project and the future scope of the work was sited.