In this article, based on a talk given to a recent meeting on global health, Julio Frenk and Octavio Gomez-Dantes argue that, although there are many threats inherent in globalisation, improving health is a unifying activity. They suggest that “exchange, evidence, and empathy” should characterise international activities to improve health and health care for all the world's people
In the aftermath of the events of 11 September Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, reminded us of what he called “the fragility of our frontiers in the face of the world's new challenges” (Labour Party Conference, Brighton, October 2001). This shift of human affairs from the restricted frame of the nation state to the vast theatre of planet earth is not only affecting trade, finance, science, the environment, crime, and terrorism; it is also changing the nature of health challenges facing people all over the world.1
In 1997 an influential report by the US Institute of Medicine stated: “Distinctions between domestic and international health problems are losing their usefulness and are often misleading.”2 We are all coming closer to each other. One of the great revolutions of the 20th century was, in the words of the historian Eric Hobsbawm, the virtual annihilation of time and distance.3
#### Summary points
Globalisation is affecting health as well as other aspects of human activity
All countries must deal with the international transfer of risks—whether this is of microbes, unregulated distribution of drugs, or tobacco marketing
On the other hand, globalisation makes the sharing of information on health care easier
The aspiration for good health is also a unifying factor across different parts of the world, cultures, and religions
Intense international contacts are not new. From time immemorial the forces of trade, migration, war, and conquest have bound together people from distant places. The expression “citizen …
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The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991 by Eric Hobsbawm
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Globalisation is good for your health, mostly.
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The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914–1991