[Italian validation of the Chemotherapy Induced Taste Alteration Scale].

UNLABELLED . Italian validation of the Chemotherapy Induced Taste Alteration Scale. Introdution. Taste alterations (TAs) are an underestimated side effect despite affecting 75% of chemo-radiotherapy patients. TAs may cause discomfort and food aversions up to loss of appetite and anorexia. The available instruments do not discriminate the different types of TAs. AIM The aim of the study is to validate the Italian version of CiTAS, a 18-items scale that assesses specific TAs, symptoms of discomfort and their impact on patient nutrition. METHODS A convenience sample of 243 patients with chemotherapy-induced taste alterations were enrolled. Data were analyzed for item consistency using Cronbach alpha and construct validity using factor analysis. RESULTS The factor analysis identified four dimensions that explained a total variance of 67%: decline in basic taste, discomfort, phantogeusia and parageusia, and general taste alterations. The scale showed good validity (Cronbach's alpha = 0.82). CONCLUSIONS The CiTAS enabled the valid and reliable measurement of specific symptoms of chemotherapy-induced TAs. It can be used both as a clinical tool and in future studies to evaluate the effectiveness of specific TAs treatments.