The Kramers-Kronig (KK) receiver is capable of retrieving the phase information of optical single-sideband (SSB) signal from the optical intensity when the optical signal satisfies the minimum phase condition. Thus, it is possible to direct-detect the optical SSB signal without suffering from the signal-signal beat interference and linear transmission impairments. However, due to the spectral broadening induced by nonlinear operations in the conventional KK algorithm, it is necessary to employ the digital upsampling at the beginning of the digital signal processing (DSP). The increased number of samples at the DSP would hinder the real-time implementation of this attractive receiver. Hence, we propose a new DSP algorithm for KK receiver operable at 2 samples per symbol. We adopt a couple of mathematical approximations to avoid the use of nonlinear operations such as logarithm and exponential functions. By using the proposed algorithm, we demonstrate the transmission of 112-Gb/s SSB orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexed signal over an 80-km fiber link. The results show that the proposed algorithm operating at 2 samples per symbol exhibits similar performance to the conventional KK one operating at 6 samples per symbol. We also present the error analysis of the proposed algorithm for KK receiver in comparison with the conventional one.
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Single Carrier 400G Transmission With Single-Ended Heterodyne Detection
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
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Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Direct-Detected RF-Tone-Assisted Optical OFDM Systems
Journal of Lightwave Technology.
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Demodulation of Single-Sideband Signals Via Envelope Detection
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Kramers–Kronig coherent receiver
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On the use of the normalized mean square error in evaluating dispersion model performance
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SSBI Mitigation and the Kramers–Kronig Scheme in Single-Sideband Direct-Detection Transmission With Receiver-Based Electronic Dispersion Compensation
Journal of Lightwave Technology.
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100 Gb/s Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection
Journal of Lightwave Technology.
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Polarization Multiplexing With the Kramers-Kronig Receiver
Journal of Lightwave Technology.