Activities of the Shielding Subcommittee of the ENDF/B Cross Section Evaluation Working Group

The Shielding Subcommittee of the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) was established in 1967 to help ensure that the content of the ENDF/B cross section library was adequate for treating shielding problems. Early work of the subcommittee concentrated on devising formats for gamma-ray interaction and production data, as well as providing programs for testing the clerical and physics consistency of the files. The Radiation Shielding Information Center (RSIC) collaborated directly with evaluators on behalf of the National Neutron Cross Section Center (NNCSC) to begin testing and adding data sets to be fed into the official ENDF/B libraries. These efforts, which were sponsored by AEC-DRDT (now ERDA-DRDD), were augmented greatly through the Defense Nuclear Agency program of establishing a working cross section library in ENDF format. The effort concentrated on evaluation and testing of materials of interest to DNA programs and providing these for inclusion in the ENDF/B library. Shielding data testing efforts, as a part of the CSEWG Data Testing Program, are now also an integral part of the Shielding Subcommittee effort. Procedures for writing and approving the shielding benchmarks were devised by Shielding Subcommittee members. Data testing benchmark experiments have been documented and analyzed, and the most recentmore » results for ENDF/B-IV are as reported as part of ENDF-230, ''Benchmark Testing of ENDF/B-IV.''« less