Development of Accelerated Fuel-Engine Qualification Procedures.
Abstract : Activities and findings are described for a 24-month program aimed at the development of procedures for accelerating the qualification of new fuels on Army equipment, emphasizing those derived from oil shale and coal. Principal activities were the development of bench and component test methodology for specific testing of properties peculiar to non-petroleum derived liquid hydrocarbon fuels not now covered under present federal or military fuels specifications. Laboratory test method development entailed modification of the a Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester (JFTOT) to evaluate not only thermal stability but elastomer compatibility by incorporating a heated reservoir to examine fuel effects on elastomer swell and hardness change as well as elastomer leachate on thermal stability. Lubricity evaluations entailed the application of the Ball-on-Cylinder-Machine (BOCM). Diesel injector pumps were subjected to 300-hour endurance testing using a recirculatory fuel loop and maintaining the lubricity of the fuel at very poor levels by clay filtration. (Author)