Information Management Needs of the Obstetrician-Gynecologist—A Survey

A random sample survey of members of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) was conducted to ascertain the extent to which computer technology was being used by the members, and what further computer services and applications were needed. Computers were used by 38% of the members, with an additional 13% planning on getting a computer within the year. An average of 48% of the members had no plans for computerization, although this number was lower (29%) for physicians 36-45 years of age. There was no significant variation of use by physician sex or type of practice (office- versus non-office-based). Word processing and financial management were the most frequently used computer applications; clinical patient care tasks were used much less frequently and were presumably less available, because software for these tasks was also highly desirable. The most desired information services were uniform coding and terminology, high-risk patient management, electronic access to full-text obstetric and gynecologic data bases, and online clinical management protocols. Prescription writing, patient recall by drug, and drug inventory computer applications were among the least requested. Several educational, project development, communication, and member service strategies have been formulated to integrate medical information management activities for ACOG members.