Streamlined Life-Cycle Assessment

1. The Grand Objectives. 2. The Concept of Life Cycle Assessment. 3. Goal Setting, Scope Determination, and Inventory Analysis. 4. Impact and Interpretation Analysis. 5. Evaluating the LCA Process. 6. The Streamlined LCA Philosophy. 7. Product Assessment by SLCA Matrix Approaches. 8. Process Assessment by SLCA Matrix Approaches. 9. Facility Assessment by SLCA Matrix Approaches. 10. Services Assessment by SLCA Matrix Approaches. 11. Integrated Business Unit, Corporate, and Intercorporate Assessments. 12. Assessment of Societal Infrastructure. 13. Upgraded Streamlining. 14. Reverse LCAS. 15. The Ultimate Life-Cycle Assessment. APPENDICES: A. Environmentally Responsible Product Matrix: Scoring Guidelines and Protocols. B. Environmentally Responsible Process Matrix: Scoring Guidelines and Protocols. C. Environmentally Responsible Facilities Matrix: Scoring Guidelines and Protocols. D. Environmentally Responsible Services Matrix: Scoring Guidelines and Protocols. E. Environmentally Responsible Infrastructure Matrix: Scoring Guidelines and Protocols. F. Values of Localization Parameters for Common Stressors. Index.