Lung cancer remains an ongoing problem resulting in substantial deaths in the United States and the world. Within the United states, cancer of the lung and bronchus are the leading causes of fatal malignancy and make up 32% of the cancer deaths among men and 25% of the cancer deaths among women. Five year survival is low, (14%), but recent studies are beginning to provide some hope that we can increase survivability of lung cancer provided that the cancer is caught and treated in early stages. These results motivate revisiting the concept of lung cancer screening using thin slice multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) protocols and automated detection algorithms to facilitate early detection. In this environment, resources to aid Computer Aided Detection (CAD) researchers to rapidly develop and harden detection and diagnostic algorithms may have a significant impact on world health. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) formed the Lung Imaging Database Consortium (LIDC) to establish a resource for detecting, sizing, and characterizing lung nodules. This resource consists of multiple CT chest exams containing lung nodules that seveal radiologists manually countoured and characterized. Consensus on the location of the nodule boundaries, or even on the existence of a nodule at a particular location in the lung was not enforced, and each contour is considered a possible nodule. The researcher is encouraged to develop measures of ground truth to reconcile the multiple radiologist marks. This paper analyzes these marks to determine radiologist agreement and to apply statistical tools to the generation of a nodule ground truth. Features of the resulting consensus and individual markings are analyzed.
D. Winchester,et al.
The National Cancer Data Base report on lung cancer
Linda Humphrey,et al.
Lung Cancer Screening with Sputum Cytologic Examination, Chest Radiography, and Computed Tomography: An Update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Annals of Internal Medicine.
William J. Schroeder,et al.
The Visualization Toolkit
The Visualization Handbook.
Kenji Suzuki,et al.
Radiologic classification of small adenocarcinoma of the lung: radiologic-pathologic correlation and its prognostic impact.
The Annals of thoracic surgery.
R. F. Wagner,et al.
Assessment methodologies and statistical issues for computer-aided diagnosis of lung nodules in computed tomography: contemporary research topics relevant to the lung image database consortium.
Academic radiology.
O S Miettinen,et al.
Early Lung Cancer Action Project
E. Hoffman,et al.
Lung image database consortium: developing a resource for the medical imaging research community.
William M. Wells,et al.
Simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (STAPLE): an algorithm for the validation of image segmentation
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.