함정 주요 받침대 임피던스에 대한 마운트홀 영향검토
Recently, The need for "Stealthy Design" & "Implementation of Silence Ship" is emphasized in warship design. The function of elastic mounts to minimize the structure-bone noise transmitted from principal noise sources is getting more important. For good performance of these elastic mounts, the impedance analysis required in ship`s foundation design should be considered as an important design factor. To improve the accuracy of finite element analysis for the dynamic stiffness, many studies on the factor affecting it have been conducted. However, additional research on the dynamic stiffness related to the installation environment(mount hole, bolt hole) is required. In this study, we investigated the change in impedance related to variation of the size of mount hole, and carried out the comparison of the analyzed and measured results before and after installing the mount hole of ship equipment"s foundation.