A Study on the igniter using resonance tube

This work is on numerical and experimental studies on the new type igniter using aerodynamic energy. The aerodynamic igniter consists of a nozzle and a resonance tube. The supersonic jet from a nozzle coming into the resonance tube generates pressure oscillation between the nozzle and the resonator. This oscillation changes the kinetic energy to thermal energy in the resonator under a certain condition. In this study, sonic and supersonic nozzles were tested in two different resonators, results has been compared. And geometrical optimum values of a supersonic nozzle has been suggested to reduce aerodynamic loss and friction in the expanded surface of the nozzle.Იヨ⨀ጊᔀЀ㘴〻Ԁ䭃䑎䷙᜕వ6㐱⸵㬅K䍄乍숗ሉ먀㘴ㄅK䍄乍