Clothing as material culture

Introduction--Daniel Miller, University College London * Looking good: feeling right-aesthetics of the self--Sophie Woodward, University College London * The other half: the material culture of new fibres--Kaori O'Connor, University College London * Aesthetics, Ethics and the Politics of the Turkish Headscarf--zlem Sandikci, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey and Gliz Ger, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey * Cloth that lies: the secrets of recycling in India--Lucy Norris, University College London * From Thrift to Fashion: Materiality and Aesthetics in Dress Practices in Zambia--Karen Tranberg Hansen, Northwestern University * Nga Aho Tipuna (ancestral threads): Maori cloaks from New Zealand--Amiria Henare, University of Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology * Relative Imagery: Patterns of Response to the Revival of Archaic Chiefly Dress in Fiji--Chlo Colchester, University College London * Pattern, Efficacy And Enterprise: On the Fabrication of Connections In Melanesia-- Graeme Were, Goldsmiths College, London * Why are there quilts in Polynesia?--Susanne Kchler, University College London