Results and Lessons Learned From Nanosatellite Space Environment Test

In the recent New Space era, Nanosatellites are being used to carry out space business and practical missions by private space companies, government agencies and military reconnai-ssance organizations, away from satellite system education tools. In Korea, the development of nanosatellite satellites, which started with universities at the center, is gradually being attempted by various subjects, including private industries. However, it is not easy to find relevant information to share the experience and prepare for the space environment test, test results, and the various problems that may arise in the process, which can increase the chances of mission success for nanosatellites. In this paper, we expect that the subjects who want to develop the nanosatellite(SNIPE) will be used as useful references for reducing trial and error and increasing the possibility of mission success by organizing the 6U-class space environment test, test process, test results and problems.