Flash lidar based on multiple-slit streak tube imaging lidar

A 64x64-pixel Flash (scannerless) lidar system that uses a streak tube to achieve range-resolved images is demonstrated. An array of glass fibers maps light from an area in the focal plane of an imaging lens to multiple rows of fibers on the streak tube's photocathode. The time-resolved backscatter return for all 4096 image pixels is recorded during one integration-time of a CCD camera that is coupled to the streak tube's phosphor screen. Data processing yields 64x64-pixel contrast (intensity) and range images for each laser pulse. Range precision better than 2.5% of the range extent is exhibited for a wide variety of targets and terrains at image rates up to 100Hz. Field test imagery demonstrated the capability of the Flash lidar system for imaging vehicles hidden by a tree canopy as well as for imaging sub-surface mine-like targets in the ocean.