Mechanical remodeling of small-intestine submucosa small-diameter vascular grafts--a preliminary report.

Small-intestine submucosa (SIS) is cell-free, 100-mu-thick collagen derived from the small intestine. It has been used as a vascular graft and has the highly desirable ability to be remodeled to become histologically indistinguishable from native adjacent artery. To date there has been limited reporting of its preimplantation and explant mechanical properties as a vascular graft. In this study, compliance, elastic modulus, and burst pressure were measured on preimplant-tested 5- and 8-mm SIS grafts and two 60-day remodeled grafts. Seven prefabricated grafts were implanted in the carotid (n = 7) in dogs, which were sacrificed after 55-63 days. The animals (n = 4) weighed from 22 to 27 kg. One dog received a unilateral carotid graft, and 3 dogs received bilateral carotid grafts. The fabrication technique employed hand-suturing with either nonresorbable or resorbable sutures. None of the grafts had a patency failure. Angiograms taken at 1 month and just before explantation showed uniform flow and no dilation. At the time of explantation, all carotid grafts were found to be encased in fibrous tissue. The grafts made with nonresorbable sutures showed thicker tissue growth at the suture line compared with those made with the resorbable sutures. Along the suture line, the grafts made with resorbable sutures exhibited a more natural color than those sutured with nonresorbable sutures. When the explanted carotid grafts were slit open, the lumen was white, shiny, and glistening. The grafts sutured with nonresorbable sutures exhibited small areas of fibrin and red blood cells when the suture was within the lumen. The resorbable-sutured grafts did not exhibit this response. The mean compliance (percent diameter increase for a pressure rise from 80 to 120 mm Hg) was on average 4.6% (range, 2.9%-8.6%) for the 5-mm preimplant-tested grafts. For the 8-mm preimplant-tested grafts, the increase in diameter for the same pressure rise was 8.7%, on average (range, 7.2% to 9.5%). For comparison, the small-diameter SIS graft at the time of implantation was about one half as compliant as the adjacent dog carotid artery, about 4 times more compliant than a typical vein graft, and more than 10 times more compliant than synthetic vascular grafts. The compliance measured on two 60-day carotid grafts was 10.5% and 7.2%, respectively. This is midway between the original compliance value and the compliance of a typical canine carotid artery (14%), indicating that mechanical remodeling occurred. The modulus of elasticity (E) increased exponentially with increasing pressure according to E = E0e alpha P, where E0 is the zero-pressure modulus and alpha is the exponent that describes the rate of increase in E with pressure; the unit of measure for variables E, E0, and P is g/cm2. The mean value for E0 was 4106 gm/cm2 (range, 1348-5601). The mean value for alpha was 0.0059 (range, 0.0028-0.0125). At 100 mm Hg, the mean value for E was 8.03 x 10(6) dynes/cm2 (range, 4.95-15.7 x 10(6)). For a 60-day SIS graft implant, the elastic modulus at 100 mm Hg decreased from a high value at implant time to twice that of a typical native canine carotid artery. The mean burst pressure for 5.5-mm grafts was 3517 mm Hg (range, 2069-4654). The burst pressure of the remodeled carotid grafts averaged 5660 mm Hg. The burst pressure for a typical carotid artery is about 5000 mm Hg. The results of this preliminary study complement those of previous SIS-vascular-graft studies and add a new factor, namely that the mechanical properties of the remodeled graft approach those of the vessel it replaces.