空気ばねと磁気軸受を併用した除振台の微振動制御 : 第1報, 絶対速度フィードバック時の制御性能

This paper describes an active isolation system which is different from conventional active isolation devices. Based on the idea that separates the roles of levitation and active isolation, a new type of actuator using both an air spring and magnetic bearings is designed. The isolation table with loading is levitated by the air springs, and the active isolation of microvibration is realized by magnetic bearings. The control system of the isolation device includes two control loops, one being the levitating control loop of PID controller, and the other the isolating control loop with absolute velocity feedback. The experiment is a success, with the results showing that the acceleration transmissibilities of the table versus the floor with active control are reduced to below one-tenth of those in the case with only passive control in both horizontal and vertical directions.