Inflectional morphology analyser for Sanskrit

The paper describes a Sanskrit morphological analyzer that identifies and analyzes inflected nounforms and verb-forms in any given sandhi-free text. The system which has been developed as java servlet RDBMS can be tested at (Language Processing Tools > Sanskrit Tinanta Analyzer/Subanta Analyzer) with Sanskrit data as unicode text. Subsequently, the separate systems of subanta and ti_anta will be combined into a single system of sentence analysis with karaka interpretation. Currently, the system checks and labels each word as three basic POS categories - subanta, tinanta, and avyaya. Thereafter, each subanta is sent for subanta processing based on an example database and a rule database. The verbs are examined based on a database of verb roots and forms as well by reverse morphology based on Paninian techniques. Future enhancements include plugging in the amarakosha ( and other noun lexicons with the subanta system. The tinanta will be enhanced by the krdanta analysis module being developed separately.