Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Algorithms for Vehicular Platoons Based on Distributed Model Predictive Control

Recent developments in autonomous driving field have led to a considerable interest in the sub-fields of vehicular autonomy. Researchers have practiced a significant number of longitudinal studies focusing on these sub-fields and vehicle platoons has become a recognized area over the past decade. This paper argues Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CCAC) algorithms for vehicle platoons using Distributed Model Predictive Control (DMPC) under bidirectional communications. An investigation on leader information delayed platoon systems under predecessor-leader following (PLF) and two-predecessor-leader following (TPLF) topologies is held for comparison and a solution for a pre-known communication delay is proposed. Wireless communication dropout is also analyzed, and communication topology change is simulated to examine the effects. It is shown that DMPC is the right tool for both modeling and managing bidirectional communication. It can also be considered as a powerful tool in handling steady-state error due to communication delay considering simulations conducted.