Plato, the man and his work
1. The Life of Plato 2. The Platonic Writings 3. Minor Socratic Dialogues - Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus 4. Minor Socratic Dialogues - Charmides, Laches, Lysis 5. Minor Socratic Dialogues - Cratylus, Euthydemus 6. Socratic Dialogues - Gorgias, Meno 7. Socratic Dialogues - Euthyphro, Apology, Crito 8. Phaedo 9. Symposium 10. Protagoras 11. Republic 12. Phaedrus 13. Theaetetus 14. Parmenides 15. Sophistes-Politicus 16. Philebus 17. Timaeus and Critias 18. Laws and Epinomis 19. Plato in the Academy - Forms and Numbers. Chronological Table. Appendix - the Platonic Apocrypha. Index of Proper Names. Index of Subjects.