TROI 실험결과를 활용한 TEXAS-V 코드 검증 및 원자로 노외증기폭발 하중평가
The TEXAS-V code tuned for TROI-13 was used for analyzing the parametric findings in TROI experiments. The calculations on the melt composition are relatively similar to the TROI experimental results. The water depth effect in TEXAS-V code seems to be consistent with TROI experiments in some degree. The water area effect of TEXAS-V calculations seems not to be harmonious to that in TROI experiments. This seems to indicate that TEXAS-V as 1-dimensional code or as the numerical steam explosion has a limitation on estimating area effect. Thus, TEXAS-V tuned for TROI-13 seems to have an ability to estimate the parametric effect of TROI experiments. The evaluated TEXAS-V was used for estimating the ex-vessel steam explosion load. The calculated explosion pressure and load were about 40 ㎫ and 75 ㎪.sec, which are not much threatening level for containment integrity, but are arguable value for the integrity.