Cerebral Cortex: Extrastriate Cortex in Primates (Vol. 12)

499clarity of discussion that runs throughoutthe text. One obstacle to obtaining thisbook is the cost involved. However,researchers and students working in thefield will find the book worth the pricebecause of the in-depth coverage of such awide range of topics.In conclusion, this is an excellent bookand should be compulsory reading for allstudents of the central auditory system. Itcontains history and current research but,additionally, it suggests the direction offuture research. It honors the late R.Bruce Masterton and is a fitting tribute tohim and his research. It is appropriate thatMasterton himself opens the book with ahistorical overview of the study of audi-tory cortex. This is probably the best sum-mary of ablation behavior techniques inthe last 20 years. Masterton’s contribu-tions to the field of auditory neurosciencewere the beginnings of the interdisciplinaryapproach apparent today. His ideas havespawned years of research, the details ofwhich are well-covered in this book.