Integrating Internet into reference: Policy issues
T he introduction of electronic networks, such as Bitnet and Internet, has given li brarians an opportunity to play a leadership role on campus. Librarians with access to Bitnet or Internet are, by this time, aware of some of the things these networks can do. Most are probably using electronic mail and browsing discussion groups. Some may be telnetting into other systems or retrieving materials via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This is the case at Wolfgram Library, Wid ener University. Two basic in-house presenta tions, given by one of the library’s more ad vanced users, had led to an increase in usage and experimentation by the library staff. Hav ing reached some level of personal comfort with the system, several of the reference librarians began to discuss how to integrate this new tool into their daily work. The library is often re ferred to as the “heart of the university.” This was perceived as an opportunity to be some of the brains as well.